Free Knit Pattern Vintage Girls Sweater “Molly – O”

from 1965

Free Knit Pattern Vintage Girls Sweater "Molly - O" 1 Fiddlers Choice Farm Free Knit Pattern Vintage Girls Sweater "Molly - O"
Newlands – Harding Vol. 18

Erin Knit Cardigan for Girls

Material: Newlands-Harding Machine Washable Scope Knitting Worsted (Group D) ** 7 (8-8-9) 2 oz skeins

5 Buttons

1 spare needle or cable needle

1 pair needles Size 11

1 pair needles Size 9 or the size needles you require to knit to the tension given below.

TENSION: 5 sts = 1 inch

NOTE: Instructions are for size 8. Changes for sizes 10, 12 and 14 are in parentheses. The finished chest measurements of the cardigan buttoned is 28 (30-32-34) ins.

BACK: With smaller needles cast on 70 (74-78-82) sts. Work in rib of k 1, p 1 for 2 ins. Change to larger needles and work in pattern as follows: Row 1: (wrong side) Purl. Row 2: K 2, * p2, k2; repeat from * across. Repeat these 2 rows for pattern until back measures 11 (12-13-13 1/2) ins, or desired length to underarm. Shape Armholes: Cast off 4 sts at beg of next 2 rows. Then dec 1 st each side every other row 3 (4-5-5) times. Work even on the 56 (58-60-64) sts until armholes measure 6 (6 1/2-7-7 1/2) ins straight up from the cast-off sts at underarm. Shoulders: Cast off 6 (6-6-7) sts at beg of next 4 (6-6-4) rows, then 5 (0-0-6) sts at beg of next 2 (0-0-2) rows. Cast off.

Left Front: With smaller needles cast on 46 (48-52-54) sts. Row 1: (right side) P 1, * K 1, P 1; repeat from * to last 13 sts, k 6 for border, sl 1 as if to purl for turning st, k 6 for facing. Row 2: P 13, k 1, * p 1, K 1; repeat from * across. Repeat these 2 rows for 2 inches, ending with Row 1. Next Row: Work 25 (23-23-25) sts, place a marker on needle, work 13 sts for pattern stripe, place a marker on needle, work to end of row. Change to larger needles and work pattern stripe between markers as follows: Row 1: (right side) Work in rib of k 2 , P 2 to marker, sl next st onto spare needle and hold in back of work, knit next st, then knit the st from the spare needle for a back twist, k 1, work a popcorn in next st by (k in front, k in back of same st twice), K 5, work a popcorn in next st, k 1, sl next st onto spare needle and hold in front of work, knit next st, then knit the st from spare needle for front twist, p 2, then work in rib of k 2, p 2 to last 15 (13-13-15) sts, k 8 (6-6-8), sl 1,k 6. Row 2: P to marker, p 3, p 4 tog to completepopcorn, p 5, p 4 tog, p to end of row. Row 3: Work in rib of K 2, p 2 to marker, front twist, k 9, back twist, work in rib to end of row. Row 4: Purl. Row 5: Work to marker, K 1, front twist, K 3, popcorn in next st, k 3, back twist, k 1, work to end of row. Row 6: p to marker, p 6, p 4 tog, p to end. Row 7: Work to marker, k 2, front twist, k 5, back twist, k 2, work to end of row. Row 8: Purl. Row 9: Work to marker, k 3, front twist, k 3, back twist, k 3, work to end of row. Row 10: Purl. Row 11: Work to marker, K 4, front twist, K 1, back twist, k 4, work to end of row. Row 12: Purl. Row 13: Work to marker, k 4, back twist, k 1, front twist, k 4, work to end of row. Row 14: Purl. Row 15: Work to marker, k 3, back twist, k 3, front twist, k 3, work to end of row. Row 16: Purl. Row 17: Work to marker, K 2, back twist, k 2, popcorn in next st, k 2, front twist, k 2, work to end of row. Row 18: Same as row 6. Row 19: Work to marker, K 1, back twist, k 7, front twist, k 1, work to end of row. Row 20: Purl. Repeat these 20 rows for pattern, until front measures same as back to underarm. Shape Armhole: Cast off 4 sts at armhole edge once, the dec 1 st at same edge every other row 3 (4-5-5) times. Work even on the 39 (40-43-45) sts until armhole measures 4 1/2 (5-5-5 1/2) ins from first cast off st. Neck: Beginning at front edge cast off 16 (16-17-17) sts once, then cast off 2 st at same edge every other row 3 (3-4-4) times. Work on the remaining 17 (18-18-20) sts until armhole measures the same as back armholes. Shoulder: Cast off 6 (6-6-7) sts from armhole edge every other row 2 (3-3-2) times, then 5 (0-0-6) sts at same edge once. Place markers for 5 buttons on front edge having first marker 3/4 inch above lower edge and 5th marker 3/4 inch below neck and the other 3 spaced evenly between.

RIGHT FRONT: Work to correspond to left front reversing all shaping and working buttonholes opposite markers as follows: Beginning at front edge, k 2, cast off 2 sts, k 1, sl 1, k 2, cast off 2 sts, working to end of row. Next Row: Cast on 2 sts over the cast – off sts of previous row. Work even until ribbing has been completed ending with Row 2. Next Row: K 6, sl 1, k 8 (6-6-8), work in rib of p 2, k 2 for 10 sts, place a marker on needle, back twist, k 1, popcorn in next st, k 5, popcorn in next st, k 1, front twist, place a marker on needle, the work in rib of p 2, k 2 to end of row. Next Row: Purl, completing the popcorns. Finish Right Front to correspond to Left Front working buttonholes opposite markers.

SLEEVES: With smaller needles cast on 38 (38-42-42) sts. work in rib of k 1, p 1 for 2 1/2 ins. Change to larger needles and work in pattern as on back increasing 1 st each side every 6th row 9 (10-9-10) times, working increased sts in pattern. Work even on the 56 (58-60-62) sts until sleeve measures 12 (13-14-15) ins, or desired length to underarm. Shape Cap: Cast off 4 sts at beg of next 2 rows. then dec 1 st each side every other row 8 (9-10-11) times Cast off 3 sts at beg of next 4 rows. cast off remaining 20 sts.

FINISHING: Sew shoulder seams. Turn facings to wrong side and sew in place, joining edges at top and bottom. Work around buttonholes through double thickness.

COLLAR: With smaller needles beginning and ending at center of each front border pick up 56 (56-60-60) sts around neck. Next Row: (right side) Knit, increasing 1 st in every other st. Work in rib of K 1 P 1, on the 83 (83-89-89) sts for 4 ins. Cast off. Sew sleeves in place, then sew underarm and sleeve seams. BLOCK SEAMS VERY LIGHTLY.