Free Knitting Pattern

Vintage Bernat 1953 College Issue

Hat and Mittens Style No. 3536

Free Knitting Pattern Hat and Mittens 1953 Vintage Bernat Style No. 3536 1 Fiddlers Choice Farm Free Knitting Pattern Hat and Mittens 1953 Vintage Bernat Style No. 3536


Bernat Super Knitting Worsted (2 oz. skeins)

3 Main Color (M C)

1 Contrasting Color (C C)

1 set d p needles No. 5

1 extra d p needle

1 bone crochet hook No. 4

Gauge: 11 sts = 2 inches 7 rounds = 1 inch.

Cable Twist: Worked on 12 sts. Sl 3 sts to d p needle, hold in back of work, K next 3 sts, K 3 sts from d p needle, sl next 3 sts to d p needle and hold in front of work, K next 3 sts, K 3 sts from d p needle.


Using M C, cast on 100 sts. Join, being careful no to twist sts. Rounds 1 through 7: * P 8, K 12, repeat from * to end of round. Round 8: * P 8, work cable twist on next 12 sts, repeat from * to end of round. Round 9 through 16: Repeat rounds 1 through 8. Rounds 17 through 23: Repeat round 1. Round 24: Join C C and K all sts. Rounds 25 through 27: Using C C, repeat Round 1. Round 28: Join M C and K all sts. Rounds 29 through 32: Repeat rounds 24 through 27. FIRST DEC ROUND: Join M C, * K 2 tog 4 times, K 12, repeat from * to end of round. SECOND DEC ROUND: * K 2 tog twice, D 12, repeat from * to end of round. THIRD DEC ROUND: * K 12, sl 1, K 1, psso, repeat from * to end of round. FOURTH DEC ROUND: * K 11, sl 1, K 1, psso, repeat from * to end of round. Continue in this manner to dec 5 sts in each round, having 1 st less between decreases every round until 10 sts remain. Break off yarn, leaving a 12 inch end. Pull through remaining sts adn pull up tightly. Fasten off. EAR FLAPS: With right side facing you and using M C, starting in 3rd st of one P rib, pick up and K 6 sts to end of P rib, Pick up and K 12 sts across next K panel and 7 sts across next P rib – 25 sts. Work in stockinette st, dec 1 st each end of needle every other row until 1 st remains. Fasten off. Leaving 2 K panels free, work other ear piece, beginning in 3rd st of next P rib.

Finishing: TIES: Using M C double, make a ch 8 inches long. Work 1 sl st in each st. Fasten off. Sew a tie to each ear piece. Work 1 row s c around entire cap. TASSEL: Using M C double, make a ch 8 inches long. Work 1 sl st in each st. Fasten Off. Using M C and C C, make a pompom and fasten to end of ch. Fasten tassel to center of cap.


RIGHT MITTEN: Using M C, cast on 40 sts. join, being careful not to twist sts. K 2, P 2 in ribbing for 3 1/2 inches. Starting at the beg of a round, work as follows: Rounds 1 through 7: P 2, K 12, P to end of round. SHAPE THUMB GUSSET: Round 1: P 2, work cable twist on next 12 sts, P 7, put a marker on needle, inc 1 st in each of next 2 sts, put a marker on needle, P to end of round. Round 2: Work even. Round 3: P 2, K 12, P to first marker, inc 1 st in next st, P to 1 st before next marker, inc 1 st in next st, P to end of round. Repeat rounds 2 and 3 until there are 14 sts between markers, wroking a cable twist on 12 sts on 8th round once more. On the next round P 2, K 12, P to first marker, sl 14 sts between markers on a holder to be worked later for thumb, cast on 2 sts to replace these sts, P to end of round. * Join C C and K 1 round. Using C C, repeat Round 1 three times. Join M C, and K 1 round. * Repeat between *’s once more. Break of C C. Using M C, repeat Round 1 until piece measures 1 1/2 inches less than desired finished lenghth. SHAPE TOP: Round 1: * K 6, sl 1, K 1, psso, repeat from * to end of round – 5 sts dec. Round 2 and all even rounds: Knit. Round 3: * K 5, sl 1, K 1, psso, repeat from * to end of round – 5 st dec. Continue in this manner to dec 5 sts every other round 3 times more, having 1 st less between decreases each time. K 1 round. Break off, leaving a 12 inche end, run end through sts and draw up tightly. THUMB: sl 14 sts onto needles, join M C and pick up 2 sts over cast on sts. P round and round on 16 sts until thumb measures 2 1/4 inches or desired length. SHAPE TOP: * K 2 tog around. K 1 round. Repeat from * once more. Finish as for top of mitten.

LEFT MITTEN: Using M C, cast on 40 sts. Join, being careful not to twist sts. K 2, P 2 in ribbing for 3 1/2 inches. Then work as follows: Round 1: P 26, K 12, P 2, Work to correspond to right mitten, shaping thumb gusset as follows: P 19, put a marker on needle, inc 1 st in each of next 2 sts, put a marker on needle, work in pattern to end of round.