Free Knitting Pattern

Vintage One Piece Baby Sweater Suit

“Let’s Go A’Wandering”

Free Knitting Pattern Vintage  Babies One Piece Crawling Suit 1 Fiddlers Choice Farm Free Knitting Pattern Vintage  Babies One Piece Crawling Suit

Patons Baby Book No. 166

Zipped Up Crawling Suit

To Fit Chest: ins. 18 – 19

Length at center front to crotch: ins 11 3/4

Leg Seam: ins. 7 1/2

Sleeve Seam: ins 5 1/2

Materials: Patons Fairytale 4 ply Courtelle/ Bri-Nylon

Main Shade x 20 gram balls – 5

Contrast x 20 gram balls – 2

2 – No. 12 and 2 – No. 10 MIL- Ward needles

10″ zipper

Tension: 14 sts. and 18 rows to 2 ins. on No. 10 needles, measured over stocking stitch.

Right Leg: Starting at foot with No. 10 needles and Contrast, cast on 43 sts.

1st row – K 19, y.fwd., K 2, y.fwd., K 19 y. fwd.k K 2, y.fwd., k 1

2nd and 4th rows: K

3rd row: K 20, y.fwd., K 2, y.fwd., K 21, (y. fwd., K 2) twice.

5th row: K 21, y.fwd., K 2, y. fwd. K 23, y. fwd. K 2, y. fwd. K 3 (55 sts.) K 9 rows.

Shape Foot as follows:

1st row: K 27, K 2 tog. Turn.

2nd row: P 11, P 2 tog. Turn.

3rd row: K 11, K 2 tog. Turn.

* * Rep 2nd and 3rd rows 7 times more, then 2nd row once again.

Next row: K 11, K 2 tog. K to end (36 sts)

Mark this point.

Starting with a P row, work in stocking stitch, inc 1 st at each end of 7th and every following 3rd row until there are 44 sts.

work 1 row

Work in stocking stitch stripes as follows:

1st row – With M.S., K

2nd row – With M.S., inc. in first st., P to last st., inc. in last st.

3rd row – With C., K.

4th row – With C., P.

These 4 rows form stripes.

Work 8 rows more in stripes, inc 1 st. at each end of next and every following 3rd row.

Break C.

Continue in M.S., inc 1 st. at each end of every 3rd row from previous inc. until there are 68 sts., then every alt. row until there are 72 sts.

Continue on these sts. until work measures 6 3/4 ins. from marked point, ending with a P. row.

Next 2 rows – Cast on 3, work to end (78 sts)

Continue in stocking stitch dec 1 st at each end of 5th and every following 8th row until 68 sts. remain * *

Continue on these sts until work measures 5 ins. from 3 cast-on sts., ending with a K row.

Shape Back as follows:

1st row – P 59, turn

2nd and alt. rows – K to end.

3rd row – P 49, turn

5th row – P 39, turn

Continue in this way, working 10 sts. less on every alt. row until the row “P 9, turn” has been worked.

Next row – K to end

Next row: P

Change to No. 12 needles and work in K 1, P 1 rib for 3/4 inch, ending with wrong side facing.

Slip sts. on a length of yarn.

Left Leg:

Starting at foot with No. 10 needles and Contrast., cast on 43 sts.

1st row: K 1, Y.fwd., K 2, y.fwd., K 19, y.fwd., K 2, y.fwd., K 19

2nd and 4th rows: K

3rd row: (K 2, y.fwd.) twice, K 21, y.fwd., K 2, y.fwd., K 20.

5th row: K 3, y.fwd., K 2, y.fwd. K 23, y.fwd. K 2, y.fwd., K 21 (55 sts)

K. 9 rows

Shape foot as follows:

1st row: K 38, K 2 tog. , turn.

2nd row: P 11, P 2 tog., turn.

3rd row: K 11, K 2 tog., turn.

Work as Right Leg from ** to **.

Continue on these sts. until work measures 5 ins from 3 cast on sts., ending with a P. row.

Shape back as follows:

1st row: K 59, turn.

2nd and alt. rows: P to end.

3rd row: K 49, turn.

5th row: K 39, turn.

Continue in this way working 10 sts. less on every alt. row until the row “K 9, turn” has been worked.

Next row: P to end.

Change to No. 12 needles and work 3/4 inch in K 1, P 1 rib ending with wrong side facing.

Divide work as follows:

With wrong side facing, rib across first 34 sts of Left Leg, slip these sts. on a length of yarn and leave, rib across remaining 34 sts.

With wrong side facing for fist row, slip first 34 sts. of Right Leg on to left hand No. 12 needle (leaving remaining 34 sts on length of yarn) rib across these 34 sts., turn (68 sts)

Work Back as follows

Change to No. 10 needles and work in stocking stitch until work measures 3 ins. from top of ribbing, ending with right side facing. Working in stocking stitch stripes for remainder of Back (2 rows C., rows M.S.)

Shape Raglans: by casting off 4 sts. at beg of next 2 rows, then dec 1 st. at each end of next and every alt. row until 22 sts remain.

Work 1 row. Cast off.

With right side facing, slip remaining 34 sts. of Left Leg on to No. 10 needle (point of needle to inside edge).

Work Left Front as follows:

Rejoin M.S. and work in stocking stitch until Front measures same as Back to raglan shaping, ending at side edge.

Working in stocking stitch stripes for remainder of Front (2 rows C., 2 rows M.S.) Shape raglan by casting off 4 sts. at beg. of next row, then dec 1 st. at raglan edge on every alt. row until 18 sts remain.

Shape neck as follows:

Next row: Cast off 4, P to end.

Dec. 1 st. at neck edge on next and every alt. row until 5 dec. have been worked at neck edge, at the same time continue dec. at raglan edge as before until 2 sts. remain.

Work 1 row.

K 2 tog. and fasten off.

With wrong sides facing, slip remaining 34 sts. of Right Leg on to a No. 12 needle, point of needle to inside edge, rejoin M.S. and rib to end.

Work Right Front as follows:

Change to No. 10 needles and complete to match Left Front reversing all shaping.


With No. 12 needles and Main Shade cast on 32 sts. and work in K 1, P 1 rib for 1 inch.

Next row: Rib 2, (inc in next st., rib 2) 9 times, inc in next st., rib to end (42 sts)

Change to No. 10 needles and work in stocking stitch, inc. 1 st. at each end of 3rd and every following 7th row until there are 52 sts.

Continue on these sts. until sleeve seam measures 5 1/2 ins., ending with right side facing.

Shape raglan top by casting off 4 sts at beg. of next 2 rows, then dec. 1 st. at each end of next and every alt. row until 6 sts. remain.

Work 1 row.

Cast off.


With No. 12 needles and Contrast., cast on 83 sts.

1st row: K 2, * P 1, K 1, rep. from * to last st, K 1.

2nd row: * K 1, P 1, rep. from * to last st. K 1.

Rep. these 2 rows for 2 ins.

Cast off in rib.

To Make Up:

Omitting ribbing, with wrong side of work facing, block each piece by pinning out round edges. Omitting ribbing, press each piece following instructions on the ball band.

Using a flat seam for ribbing and a fine back – stitch seam for remainder, join side and sleeve seams and stitch sleeves in position, then join Back and Leg seams and join Front seam 1 3/4 ins up from crotch.

Starting at center dec. at toe, join foot seam, ending at center dec. at heel.

Stitch collar to neck

Press seams

Stitch zipper into front opening.