The Great Big Knitted Coat Sweater

Vintage Knitting Pattern

The Great Big Knitted Coat Sweater Free Knitting Pattern 1 Fiddlers Choice Farm The Great Big Knitted Coat Sweater Free Knitting Pattern

Leaflet 17880 C.J. Bates & Son

Sizes: Small, Medium, Large


Knitting Needles Size #8 or any size which will result in stitch gauge below.

Knitting Worsted

9 (10-11) 4 oz. skeins color desired

Crochet Hook Size G

6 (6-7) Buttons

3 yds. 3/4″ Grosgrain Ribbon

Gauge: seed st. 11 sts. = 3″ Ribbing: 11 sts. = 2 inches

Directions are given for small (8-10) size. Changes for medium (12-14) and large (18 – 20) are given in parentheses.

Back: With Double strand of yarn cast on 73 (77-81) sts.

1st Row: K1, * p1, k1, repeat from * across row (seed st). Repeat this row for 2 1/2 (2 3/4, 3) inches. K1 row; the ridge formed will be on right side throughout. Cut 1 strand, continue with single strand.

Next Row: Work in k1, p1 ribbing inc 1 st in every other st, end k1. 109 (115, 121) sts.

Next Row: P1, * k1, p1, repeat from * across row, continue in ribbing until back measures 20 (21, 22) inches from beg. Place a marker at each edge for beg of armholes. Continue to work in ribbing for 9 (9 1/2, 10) inches from markers.

Shape Shoulders:

Next 4 Rows: Bind off 12 (13, 13) sts at beg of each row.

Next 2 Rows: Bind off 12 (12, 14) sts. at beg of each row. Bind off rem 37 (39, 41) sts for back of neck.

Left Front: With double strand of yarn cast on 33 (35, 37) sts. Work in seed st for 2 1/2(2 3/4, 3) inches. K1 row; cut 1 strand. Work in k1, p1 ribbinginc 16 (18, 20) evenly spaced sts; 49 (53, 57) sts. Continue in ribbing until front measures same as back to armhole markers ending on wrong side. place a marker (side edge).

Shape Neck: Next Row: Dec. 1 st at end of row. Then dec 1 st at neck edge every 3rd row until there are 36 (38, 40) sts. work even until armholes measures same as back armholes.

Shape Shoulders: Bind off 12 (13, 13) sts. at shoulder edge twice. Bind off 12 (12, 14) sts at shoulder edge once.

Right Front: Work same as left front reversing all shapings.

Sleeves: With double strand cast on 27 (29, 31) sts. Work in seed st for 2 1/2″ (all sizes). K1 row, cut 1 strand.

Next Row: K1, p1, in each st, end k1, 53 (57, 61) sts. Continue in ribbing inc 1 st at beg and end of row every inch until there are 81 (87, 91) sts. work even in ribbing until sleeve measures 18 (18, 19) inches from beg or length desired to underarm. Bind off in ribbing.

Left Band and Collar: With double strand cast on 129 (131, 135) sts. Work in seed st for 3 1/2″ (all sizes).

Next Row: Bind off 68 (70, 72) sts, continue in seed st across row.

Next Row: Work even. this brings you to neck edge.

Next Row: Bind off 5 sts, continue in seed st. Then bind off 5 sts at neck edge every 4th row 5 times, complete last row. Bind off rem 31 (31, 33) sts. Mark position for 6 (6, 7) buttons evenly spaced in center of 3 1/2″ section placing 1st marker1/2″ from lower edge and top marker at beg of neck shaping.

Right Front Band and Collar: Work same as left band working button holes in center of band to correspond to markers.

Buttonholes: Bind off 3 sts; on next row cast on 3 sts over bound off sts.

Pockets: (Make 2): With double strand cast on 21 sts (all sizes); Work in seed st for 1″. K1row, cut 1 strand.

Next Row: K1, P1 in each st, end k1, 41 sts. continue in ribbing until pocket measures 7″ from beg. Bind off.

Finishing: Block each section. Sew shoulders and side seams to markers. Sew sleeve seams. Sew sleeves in position. Sew wide ends of bands tog (center back seam) Sew straight edge of bands to straight edge of fronts. The shaped edge of front; remainder to back easing any fullness. With right side facing work and row of sc across all sides of pocket, join, cut yarn. Sew pockets in position. With right sides facing attach yarn at outer edge of 3 1/2″ band of left front, opposite beg of collar shaping, work in sc to lower corner, 2 sc in corner, continue in sc across lower edge, 2 sc in next corner, up opposite side to beg of neck shaping, cut yarn. With top section of collar facing work sc across rem of edge. Sew gros grain ribbon to wrong side of seam of front bands, up shaped edges and around back of neck. Sew ribbon across each shoulder seam to prevent stretching.